how did propellor warplanes shoot their machine guns through the propellor?


how did propellor warplanes shoot their machine guns through the propellor?

In: 2413

17 Answers

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As others have already mentioned the timing mechanism in the engine I wanna throw another solve some engineers realized between the wars

Since the drive in the inline engines, used more by 1930’s, didn’t need to be a solid axel to turn the propeller designer found that through a little engineering they could make an empty cylinder wide enough to fit a canon through the engine itself

This was used extensively be the Germans during WW2 most prevalent on the famous BF-109 (not ME-109 you dirty yanks!!)

The gun was harder to maintain but it gave a big cannon a solid centerline aim without sorting to using an engine on each side

Engineers(or other people in the know) can correct if my description of the internals are off

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