How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to World War I?


I’m not a history buff, and all I know is that his death set off a Rube Goldberg machine of Politics that led to everyone fighting everyone else. Can someone simplify it for me?

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12 Answers

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Imagine two gunfighters facing each other in the street, pistols in their holster. Neither one may want bloodshed, but if anyone makes any sudden movements, shooting will break out. Because once you even THINK you see the other guy reach for his gun, you HAVE reach for your and shoot him before he can shoot you.

Germany was outnumbered and surrounded. Their only chance is to mobilize FASTER than their enemies. Before Ferdinand is shot, the German generals know that if there’s going to be a war, they have to go to FULL and TOTAL war instantly. If they drag their feet and let their enemies take their time in getting to the front, they’re gonna lose.

So when the Balkan conflict breaks out, they don’t have a plan b. There’s one button to push and only one button. So they push it, and pray that the war will be quick and decisive… it isn’t.

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