How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to World War I?


I’m not a history buff, and all I know is that his death set off a Rube Goldberg machine of Politics that led to everyone fighting everyone else. Can someone simplify it for me?

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12 Answers

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Have you ever lost your temper on someone for something that normally would’ve been pretty small, but it felt like a big deal because there was so much built up tension? Sometimes it’s just two people who are tired and hungry and easily provoked that leads to easily blowing small perceived slights into huge arguments.

Now just imagine that on a global level. The political tension between Austria-Hungary and Serbia at the time of the assassination was extremely high, so when Franz Ferdinand was killed, it was treated as an act of war.

I don’t know enough off hand to explain why that tension existed, but it’s well documented if you want to go read about it. I know I’ve read about it before.

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