How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to World War I?


I’m not a history buff, and all I know is that his death set off a Rube Goldberg machine of Politics that led to everyone fighting everyone else. Can someone simplify it for me?

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12 Answers

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So you have gangs, let’s say the green gang (UK, France, Russia) and the blue gang (Germany, Italy, mid-Europe, specifically Austria-Hungary). These gangs had policies in place to protect each other although the blue and green gangs got a long lightly and cautiously pre-War. These gangs or members also had associates (ex. Serbia) that they had interests in protecting.

Ferdinand led Austria-Hungary, part of the blue gang. He was assassinated by Serbians and Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for this and went to war with them. Russia came to the defense of one of it’s associates. This caused other members to come to the defense of their members and associates and war happened.

Very simplistic explanation of a very complex set of actions.

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