How did the British overrule the rulers of a nation and colonized said nation?


Asking this for my 5-year-old niece. I, myself am 21 years old, don’t know how exactly they did it and am exceptionally bad at Humanities.

I don’t quite understand how the Britishers convinced/bewitched/overruled the rulers of a nation. From what I understand, they struck deals and what-not. Can you please explain a **bird’s eye view** of the entire situation so that I can explain it to my niece?

In: 203

26 Answers

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They didn’t

The British empire was made up on conquered territories but not nations in any modern sense of the word.

The British Empire relied for its governance on the cooperation of local traditional rulers who, in many ways, benefitted both financially and politically from the situation even if their people didn’t.

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