How did the British overrule the rulers of a nation and colonized said nation?


Asking this for my 5-year-old niece. I, myself am 21 years old, don’t know how exactly they did it and am exceptionally bad at Humanities.

I don’t quite understand how the Britishers convinced/bewitched/overruled the rulers of a nation. From what I understand, they struck deals and what-not. Can you please explain a **bird’s eye view** of the entire situation so that I can explain it to my niece?

In: 203

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you are living in a country and one day a bunch of people show up on your shore and setup a camp.

You don’t really mind because there’s plenty of space, and you even trade with them. It turns out that they’ve got a lot of high tech stuff that will make your life easier and by chance they want the products that you make.

But more and more of them keep showing up, and they really want the stuff that you make.

Eventually you decide that this isn’t a good thing and you try to stop them from coming but they respond by showing up with guns, kill your leaders and basically take over the country. They have such overwhelming military force that you can’t really do anything, and if you try them murder a lot of you.

Next thing you know they are kicking you off your own land to make room for their people. So long as you do what they tell you they treat you ok, but if you don’t they imprison or murder you. Or worse kidnap you, ship you half way across the world and force you into slavery.

Colonization was not pretty…

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