How did the British overrule the rulers of a nation and colonized said nation?


Asking this for my 5-year-old niece. I, myself am 21 years old, don’t know how exactly they did it and am exceptionally bad at Humanities.

I don’t quite understand how the Britishers convinced/bewitched/overruled the rulers of a nation. From what I understand, they struck deals and what-not. Can you please explain a **bird’s eye view** of the entire situation so that I can explain it to my niece?

In: 203

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imported diseases. Other factors, but spreading their diseases to the population exacerbated issues that directly related to defending a homeland against the british

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the nation. Someone mentioned disunited factions (India/ parts of North America), for sure. Small places, like Hawaii, and also some large places, just brute force and gun power.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How Russian Empire colonised Kazakh Khanate:

Kazakh Khanate has hard time dealing with Dzungars. Also Kazakh khanate consisted of three Juz(group of tribes) that has their own khan. Khan of the Junior Juz struggled to maintain his position and asked Russian Empire to build some infrastructure(if i am not mistaken) to have more people in his side.

Then Russian Empire start to slowly politically take over Junior Juz by money and trade. Then they started building fortresses – now most of them are our big cities. If you look at the map, they placed strategically – to keep their money and personnel inside of the Junior Juz. After building fortresses they blocked portions of land – some of the seasonal nomadic place of stay were blocked. To make sure that nobody will enter there – they deployed Cossacks and told them to defend that place and live there.

Russian empire sent to Kazakhstan political dissidents, that were making too much influence in local communities. Coincidentally, they were one of the brightest minds of Russian Empire. They started doing what they do the best – documenting and doing researches of kazakh culture.

After they took over Junior Juz, they started to tax people. When they jacked up taxes to high – kazakhs start to rebel. When kazakhs rebel – Russian Empire would deploy forces from fortresses. In some cases(like nogais) it lead to genocide.

Then they changed laws, slowly taking away power from khans, then from beys, then from sultans. Jailed political influencers in jail or/and set up constant observation of them. It was slow thing that started from the moment when Khan of the Junior Juz asked Russian Empire to help him politically.

Same was with Middle and Senior Juz. That was methodical way of erosion of khanate political structure and law.

Then, suddenly commies appeared. Even after methodical cracking of kazakh khanate, kazakhs were still nomads and that’s what commies didn’t like. They forcibly settled kazakhs, which led to Asharshylyq or, as ukrainians call it, Holodomor. Kazakhs were on the edge of extermination at that point.

But before of that, commies implemented extermination of kulaks a.k.a rich people. Wealthy kazakhs(a.k.a bai) were forced to give commies everything they had to be like “normal people”. And they fled. To Kyrgyzstan, to Uzbekistan, to China. Some of them had crazy routes like: Uzbekistan -> Iran, China -> Himalayas -> India -> Turkey.

Then commies needed kazakh people that gonna be lead communism in Kazakhstan. But people were against it – Alash Orda, Muslim people of Turkestan. Commies decided to kill and/or jail them all. In 1930s the brightest people of Kazakhstan died. Some of the people joined commies in 1920s, but most of them were dead or in jail at the end of 1930s.

Commies start to educate kazakhs in Moscow and gave them positions in Kazakh SSR. They raised bunch of yes-man, that obeys Moscow. Luckily, not all of kazakhs learned in Moscow were like that. Satpaev, Konaev and bunch of other political and scientific figures managed to defend Kazakh SSR from idiotic plans of Moscow.

USSR routinely displaced ethnic groups, jailed political prisoners in Kazakh SSR. In general, Moscow just come with some “big decisions” and care that much who lives where and why they live there. Moscow in general liked “big” stuff – biggest plans, biggest buildings ans so on.

Ah,yes, commies displaced our language(we are still recovering), replaced with russian language, rewrote our history and still(Russian Federation) denying in access of historical documents. We are still restoring our history piece by piece.

Anonymous 0 Comments

TLDR: the British were drug dealers

They trafficked opium into China and when the government took measures to ban this it triggered the first Opium War.

China lost the battle and was forced to sign the treaty of Nanjing that forced its ports to open up to foreign trade and ceded HK to Britain

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

The British entered the Nation with means of trade (ex. India), did divide and rule and colonized it.