How did the “Income” of rich people mentioned in the literature of 19th-century work?


When reading a book like the Count of Monte Chriato or Scherlock Holmes, they mention that this and this person has an income of 4000 pounds and that person will have this and this income when she marries.

How does that work? Most of these people do not do any actual job.

In: 669

21 Answers

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Look at the royal family in the UK. They are still implementing the same business plan. Exploit and extort everyone, influence culture to make poor people think that they are magical and superior.

There were essentially mini kings all over the UK called lords. Lords of land. Landlords.

The culture was, and still is divided into classes. The royal class, the aristocrats, the upper/ruling class, middle class, working class, and subhuman. The latter being reserved for immigrants, foreigners, ethnic minorities…

This is all dependent on if you believe it of course. Which I don’t. But plenty of other Brits still firmly believe that they are subjects, not citizens. They buy into the whole royalty and white supremacy nonsense.

Capitalism is a similar thing. The kings are old money investors, their governments are businesses, and the peasants still do the work.

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