how did the people hundreds of years ago discover planets?


If I look into the sky and I see two yellow dots it’s all stars for me. Then I hear one of them is mars and I’m like „ok, still looks the same“. How did the people hundred of years ago discover what’s a close planet and what’s a far away star?

In: 364

30 Answers

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In the early days of history, humans spent much time looking at the stars. The skies were clear and there wasn’t much else to do at night. They memorized the locations and when drawing was invented, they drew pictures of them. Sometimes they would notice that one light in the sky slowly moved. Then they would notice the light was different, steadier than then non moving twinkling lights. They were named for the gods.

Eventually in the 1600s people invented telescopes to see better and better. And we learned these were balls of rock and gas. Now we have infra red images taken from space and robot ships doing flybys.

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