how did the U.S. become a global powerhouse?


Excuse my poor history knowledge, but the Europeans sailed here to find new lands, settled, and then after generations, they were overthrown by their descendants. The British empire still ruled around the world for centuries yet, the U.S. arguably is in a better state of economics, military, and such.

In: 13

15 Answers

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You’ve probably heard the phrase “to the victor go the spoils”.

After thr world wars the United States didn’t pillage Europe for spoils but with most of the 1st world countries economies in shambles after WW2, the United States set up the Bretton Woods system, a global financial system that benefitted the United States greatly.

In short, the United States would secure the world’s gold, all currencies would be pegged to the dollar, the dollar would he pegged to gold, and all international trade would he done in dollars.

This artificially inflates demand for the dollar while driving down demand for all other currencies. For the past 70 years the United States has pretty much been importing real tangible goods while exporting currency.

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