how did the US screw up health insurance so bad?


how did the US screw up health insurance so bad?

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16 Answers

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I don’t care for the American health care system as much as the next guy however to play devils advocate; due to being a for profit system if open leads to much more money being spent on R&D which in turn creates new products many being life saving. If someone tells you that you are limited to how much of a profit you can make it WILL limit how much you spend on R&D. Consider R&D the equivalent of discretionary spending. If the government told you no matter what you do be it being heart surgeon or a fast food worker you can only make so much money in a given year that is highly going to impact how much you spend at the movies or going out or endeavor that strays from your norm.

Again I dislike how our current system is and it most definitely needs to be reworked, however you can’t remove the incentive to make a profit. Otherwise you might as well be a communist state where the government owns operates and controls everything

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