How did we know that Physics law will hold true even in outer space?


Like was there some concrete validation which proved that the laws work same outside the atmosphere of the Earth in space too? Since space was an unknown factor in early days

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4 Answers

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Tests and extrapolation.

We didn’t do tests in outer space, but we did tests in all sorts of environments, with all kinds of variables, on earth. If there is no difference in the laws of physics within a thousand situations on earth, there is no reason to suggest it would be different in outer space.

It becomes even more logical when you think of the variables that are different in outer space. There’s less (or at least different) gravitational influence, and there’s no atmospheric pressure. But there’s a lot of variation in atmospheric pressure on earth, and that doesn’t influence physics laws.

All this was enough to be pretty damn sure, but we weren’t a 100% (relatively speaking, scientists always doubt) until we sent shit into space.

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