How did we make more and more precise measuring equipment?


Young machinist here. How did we make precise instrument from something supposedly less precise and how did we calibrate it? We have machines that can machine things within .0001 inches or less of tolerance. Wouldn’t that require the machine to be made with at least the same precision? This applies to the measuring equipment as well. In order for say a micrometer or CMM to measure down to .0001 or even .00001 of an inch, how did we ensure those firsts were accurate?

In: 4

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m pretty sure I could make cube within +-0.01 mm using only hand tools, despite not having anywhere near that sort of precision in my hands. I can always just remove a little bit at a time with sandpaper. It’ll take time, but I could get there. Then I’d need a measurement reference. A micrometer is ideal of course, but even a ruler would suffice. Even if the ruler only goes to 1 mm increments, I could use a simple mechanism to create a 100:1 leverage, where 1mm on the ruler is 0.01 mm as measured.

The same principles are applicable for machining equipment.

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