How did wooden boats make it across the ocean?


I just watched a video of a big military boat going over HUGE waves. How the hell did we send wooden boats across the ocean without them being completely destroyed?

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

And I’ll just add to the “A lot of them didn’t make it” part.

Seriously, look up how many known shipwrecks there are off the coast Florida alone (Golden Age of sail ended in 1862, but wooden ships were at sea of some time after, but there’s a point of reference for you).

Now consider that’s just the known shipwrecks (not the ones that were just never seen again) around Florida and only Florida.

The big waves you saw in that video were likely bad weather. So if you didn’t hit such weather you’d be fine.

But yeah, there’s a reason why everything about life on a old sailing ship was the way it was. From the stern captain to all the songs about sailors never coming home. It was a dangerous and unforgiving line of work.

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