3D movies work by projecting different images into your eyes so that your left eye see a different perspective from the right eye, just like in the real world. There are several different technologies used for this. What you are refering to is an older technique that uses color to split one image into two. So you have a normal screen or projector but show the red light from one camera and the green light from the other camera. The audience is then given tinted glasses that filters away the light of the other image. A more modern approach is to use a special projector or screen that is capable of showing two images at different polarizations. The viewer then uses glasses with polarization filters in the different orientations to filter the light. The advantage of this is that each eye gets the full color spectrum however it requires specialized equipment. Another approach is to use a lenticular lense on the screen so that each pixel is only projected into a sector of the view field. So you will only be able to see every second pixel, however moving to the side you will only see the other pixels. By positioning yourself at exactly the right angle from the screen you are able to have your eyes see different pixels without any glasses. This is a relatively cheap approach however it is only usable by one person and he have so sit perfectly still.
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