How do actors and actresses memorize a play or movie?


Is there some special method to remembering an entire play or movie without having to refer to your lines? I can barely remember one paragraph of lines to the tee, let alone hundreds of pages of lines. Thanks!

In: 70

22 Answers

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It’s a talent and if you don’t have it, at least a little bit, nothing will work. As in math, music and art. Repetition, logic and clues will only get you part way unless you have the talent lingering in reserve. A “steel-trap memory” is a unique ability and some degree of this is inherent to good recall, otherwise, take notes. Kim Peek, the famous “rainman” savant could remember 12,000 books but his motor skills and logic are limited.
G.E.Smith, guitarist and band leader remembers the music and lyrics to thousands of songs, hearing some only once. The ability to hear musical “pitch” or “timing” or remembering lyrics can be learned, by a few. The rest of us are doomed to playing alone in the basement.
A latent talent for memory may be enhanced, but without that talent, you will be a stage-hand.

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