How do actors and actresses memorize a play or movie?


Is there some special method to remembering an entire play or movie without having to refer to your lines? I can barely remember one paragraph of lines to the tee, let alone hundreds of pages of lines. Thanks!

In: 70

22 Answers

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I remember Bruce Campbell wrote about, when he was working on *The Hudsucker Proxy*, the Coen Brothers asked him to help with some pre-production, which included helping, as he put it, “P-P-Paul N-N-Newman” to rehearse.

Bruce: “So, uh, Mr. Newman — ”

Paul: “Call me Paul.”

Bruce: “Okay, sure. So, uh, *Paul*, how picky do you want me to be when we run these lines?”

Paul: “How do you mean?”

Bruce: “I mean, do you want me to correct you a lot, a little, or not at all?”

Paul: “Tell you what, I just need to stumble through this a few times first. How about if I call out for the line if I need it?”

Bruce: “You got it.”

Paul: “It’s funny, I use to have a mind like a steel trap. Then one summer a long time ago, I did eighteen different plays in twenty-four weeks and it all turned to mush…”

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