How do actors and actresses memorize a play or movie?


Is there some special method to remembering an entire play or movie without having to refer to your lines? I can barely remember one paragraph of lines to the tee, let alone hundreds of pages of lines. Thanks!

In: 70

22 Answers

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In Islam some lucky people become Hafiz who memorise the whole Quran by heart (that is very very very long) usually done starting whilst they are young as it’s said to be much easier to memorise things at a young age, & finishing whenever they are able to, often by the age of around 16. Those people are considered really special.

They then can also perform the “taraweeh” prayers in Ramadhan where over the course of the month they recite the whole Quran by heart in prayers leading a whole congregation of hundreds & even thousands of people.

Even those that don’t become Hafiz, most Muslim kids will memorise lots of “surahs” (smaller parts) from the Quran & many other prayers. Again this is done from a young age as it’s said to be easier to memorise & through repetition. Once you’ve memorised something you can usually remember it forever by reciting it back regularly or even just now & again. Some surahs I’ve not recited in years/decades but can come back to me automatically if someone starts it off. The brain can do amazing feats.

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