How do actors and actresses memorize a play or movie?


Is there some special method to remembering an entire play or movie without having to refer to your lines? I can barely remember one paragraph of lines to the tee, let alone hundreds of pages of lines. Thanks!

In: 70

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A few other people have mentioned repetition, and I agree that’s basically the right answer. But remember that memorising lines for a play or film is a major part of an actor’s *job*.

Like any job, memorising lines is a skill that requires a lot of dedication, a bit of passion and above all practice and determination. It’s the same kind of thing as doctors knowing the symptoms of the most common ailments in their field and the drugs to treat them, or someone who is good at languages knowing all the equivalent words in French or German.

Individuals may have different personal techniques for doing it, but at the end of the day when you do it each day every day, it becomes more intuitive.

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