How do addictions work?


Why are there withdrawal symptoms, what is the difference in bodily reactions when for instance an alcoholic and a non-alcoholic person drinks?

In: 16

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One distinction is PHYSICAL addiction versus PSYCHOLOGICAL addition. The physical addiction reasons are well-explained in other posts.

Things like heroine, meth, and cocaine are extremely physically addictive. They rewire your brain to expect the high amounts of the drug, and it’s a shock when it stops. The user will have varying degrees of health issues, all the way up to death, if they stop cold turkey. That’s why you see so many detox clinics giving controlled portions of the drug. Users need to be stepped down.

Other drugs don’t rewire the brain as hard. Like if I stopped smoking weed, I’d probably be grumpy about it, but you don’t see people going to the hospital with weed withdrawals.

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