How do ancient sites get buried?

457 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

I’ve been traveling around the UK, visiting lots of ancient sites, and I don’t understand how these places end up buried under so much dirt. I know that sometimes thousands of years pass between when something is abandoned and when it’s rediscovered, but how does that much dirt and debris cover things up over time? Can someone explain how this happens?

In: Planetary Science

9 Answers

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2024: watch the news about major flooding in Europe. You’ll see people removing mud and other detritus from around and inside houses. Imagine the same event repeating itself every year for a few hundred years and assume nobody was able to remove the dirt. Pretty quickly you can have an entire city completely buried.

Now add rivers changing course and covering villages and buildings. Add mud slides and avalanches. Add earthquakes moving stuff around. Add storms or just wind moving sand to cover human constructions.

You can see the even today, without human intervention, a lot of places can quickly become buried.

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