How do animals have so quick reaction time compared to human?


I’ve seen so many videos where animals have(seemingly) instant reaction time and can escape fast from predators, how is it possible and why humans don’t have same reaction time?

In: 42

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why is your new 2023 computer running an app on Windows so much slower than a 1990 computer running MSDOS command prompt?
Because it goes through so many layers of software to give you the GUI interface.

Human brains have more layers of software to compute more complex concepts. Except when it’s really important to do things fast like reacting to a snake. Recognizing and reacting to a snake is the function of the amygdala which is the reptilian Brain inside of our brain. It is really fast at recognizing things and instructing muscles to react. You might feel that you are reacting to a snake “faster than you can think”.

The amygdala is also very poor at recognizing things. You will do a snake reaction to a stick or a hose pipe or a shadow. This is because the penalty of reacting to a stick as if it was a snake is small but the penalty of not reacting to a snake and thinking it’s a stick is high.

Invoking a more complex more accurate image recognition system would slow down the reaction time. It adds a layer of software.

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