How do animals have so quick reaction time compared to human?


I’ve seen so many videos where animals have(seemingly) instant reaction time and can escape fast from predators, how is it possible and why humans don’t have same reaction time?

In: 42

20 Answers

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1. Humans have great reaction times when we’ve trained for something. A video gamer can have absolutely unreal reaction times because they’re practiced. Same applies to for example elite soldiers, in scenarios they’ve trained for.
2. In a lot of cases though animals have physical adaptions for specific problems. So when a fly detects an incoming object there is no thought involved as it activates specialized bodyparts designed to launch it into flight as quickly as possible. Or for example a Mantis shrimp, which gives up visual acuity for faster reaction times (well, fast reaction times and being dumb as bricks because brainpower uses up a lot of energy). Mantis shrimp have 12 colour receptors when humans only have 3, but while humans can see thousands of colours a mantis shrimp can see…12. Because to maximize reaction times they don’t do anything with those 12 inputs, just pure Input->Output.

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