How do animals have so quick reaction time compared to human?


I’ve seen so many videos where animals have(seemingly) instant reaction time and can escape fast from predators, how is it possible and why humans don’t have same reaction time?

In: 42

20 Answers

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Neurologically, some animals are better hardwired to process certain types of information, particularly in regards to fight or flight. Neurons with larger axons and more efficient insulation are capable of passing information through the nervous system faster than others. Their brains tend to be smaller too, taking in less unnecessary information allowing their synapses to pass useful information quickly.

Physiologically, their muscles have evolved to twitch much faster out of necessity to prey/escape, with some of their movements hardwired. Their senses will take in specific information relevant to prey/escape as efficiently as possible. Humans do not need this as much, we have more uses for our senses and muscles.

Edit: to ELI5 it more, imagine a human and an animal made out of springs. The humans springs in its brain are longer so can carry more information, but it takes longer for that information to get from one part of the brain to another, or from the brain to the springs in its arms. There is also a lot of other information in the springs, such as wondering the meaning of life or having a crush on a neighbour. The springs in its arms are also quite long and not needed for fast movements as the humans large brain helps it to escape danger with complex activities such as brick houses.

Meanwhile the animals brain is made of little springs. They can’t carry much information so the information it takes in must be important and help it to survive. This helps it send information quickly to the small springs in its arm, which are capable of bouncing much faster than human springs, so it can do things like swipe at predators quickly. Additionally, some actions like swiping could be hardwired into the animal, so it doesn’t have to think much about swiping, it is instinct.

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