How do animals of the same species get to other landmasses like bears being in the Americas and Eurasia?


How do animals of the same species get to other landmasses like bears being in the Americas and Eurasia?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Walking over the Bering Land Bridge during the Late Pleistocene, like many other mammals including humans.

It’s been determined through genetic studies that brown bears arrived in North America through 2 different routes. One walked along what was then the southern coast of Beringia and gave origin to the Kodiak grizzly bear that lives on islands off the coast of Alaska. The other followed a more northern route and originated the rest of North America’s grizzlies.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Earth has experienced regular Ice Ages for the past several hundred thousand years. During a period of glaciation sea levels drop and land bridges form.

During the last ice age the Bering straight was a land bridge connecting North America to Asia. England was attached to the European Mainland, most of the Philippines and many Pacific islands in the South China sea were connected to the mainland.

Camels originated in North America and migrated over the Asia and then Central Asia before becoming extinct in North America.

While Bears and Wolves seem to have migrated to North America from Asia.

Humans are also believed to have first come to North America this way, although a number of South American peoples appear to have arrived by boat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What is today the Bering Strait and Bering Sea have in the past been land. It is called the Bering land bridge or []( time it occurred was during the last ice age, the land connection disappear 11,000 years ago.

So there has been a land connection quite recently and many time before that between the continents. That land bridge is likly one way humans migrated to the new world too.

One thing to remember is during the winter you can get a ice connection between continents too. Not that often in Bering Strait because of the current but farther north. Here is a fox that walked from Spitsbergen to Canada It is not had to see that walking from Asian mainland to Novaya Zemlya and then Spitsbergen is quite possible for a fox.

Here is a map of how how the ice can extend.

So it is possible for animals to walk between Asia and America today. I am not saying bear migrated like that just that it is possible. That is bears that are not polar bears because they will move between contingent all the time.