how do animals that don’t have a heavy meat diet synthesize so much muscle mass?


I’ve been watching Chimp Empire and the thought occurred that these chimp dudes don’t really eat much protein outside of like an occasional monkey. Even gorillas are also mostly eating plants from my understanding. How do these animals get so beefed meanwhile the average human bodybuilder has to eat a ridiculous amount of protein per day to bulk and put on muscle mass?

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18 Answers

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Gorillas can digest plants better than humans, cellulose locks up a lot of fibres in plants that humans can’t get to. Plants have proteins in them which herbivores are much better at accessing than humans.
The reason they gave so much muscle is their lifestyles demand it and they’re adapted for it. They swing around a lot, their arms and chest are well suited to that so they’ll have muscle there. (A gorillas legs look comparatively tiny)
Humans are adapted for long walking which makes us comparatively lean (running/walking for hours is harder when you have needlessly big arms), bodybuilders are fighting against human limits and the “desired path” of the human body so that’s why we have to take comparable extra steps. Body builders are the most extreme version of this, trying to depart totally from the way the human body would typically be and needing an extreme diet to do this

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