How do animated shows keep a consistent art/animation style when as many as dozens of people are animating it?


I’ve always wondered this. If there are x amount of people working on an animation project, how are they able to keep their animation styles, and even art styles, so incredibly consistent?

In: 6

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not an expert in the field. I’m not even a gifted artist. But:

a) Different people probably DO have idiosyncrasies in their personal styles but when they’ve been drawing the same things for a significant amount of time I would imagine that their styles converge to produce the final style

b) I think talented artists have the ability to draw and animate in a consistent way even if they are emulating someone else’s work I am sure they have the ability to produce work that is consistent with the standard

c) There is an oversight process, I’m sure one member of an animating team reviews the teams work and can either instruct other team members to fix inconsistencies OR just fix them themselves and then THEIR idiosyncrasies are what we see as the final product.

also, if you look at a show you often *can* see minor differences over the years.

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