How do apps (Insta and the like) provide content between users with different software versions? What makes it all so seamless?


How do apps (Insta and the like) provide content between users with different software versions? What makes it all so seamless?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

many times software upgrades like this are done w/ feature flags, so new features are added and the backend software knows whether to serve X version or Y version based off of what features the end users’ software version supports (5 year olds are pertty smart these days I hope they can follow that… )

Anonymous 0 Comments

going off of what danekan said, sometimes the backend doesn’t know. staying with the ELI5 theme: lets say you have a store (instagram) and there are multiple showrooms where customers buy stuff (front end) along with a back storage room (backend). if you upgrade one showroom it doesn’t effect going to the back to get content. that process stays relatively similar. I hope I didn’t make it more complicated and answered your question.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the CONTENT is generic and works on any platform.

The specific part is the app. But the main thing the app does is just provide a layout. It then asks the server for the generic content (like pictures) and sticks them in the layout.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Generally different devices and software versions will just pull from an API, which simply provides data or a reference to data which can be pulled and displayed correctly based on the software or device being used. In other words, the backend looks the same to all devices, it’s up to that software to make it display correctly.