How do aquatic animals filter out the water they swallow while eating, from the prey?


how does it work?

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5 Answers

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Blowholes are not for expelling water taken in when feeding. Let’s get that out of the way. Blowholes are literally the whales’ nostril – they draw in air through them and when they surface, they first expel any water that may have entered their lungs when they drew their last breath.

Filter feeding animals have baleen – a colander-like mesh of bone-like growth attached to their jaws. They take in a mouthful of water, close their mouths so that just the baleen is showing and then use their tongues to press water through the baleen, leaving behind anything too big to fit through the filter (mostly krill and small aquatic animals).

Non-filter feeders either expel water through their mouths or swallow some of it and pass it through their bodies much the same way we do.

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