How do archeologists know that old tools they find were made by Homosapiens and not another species of homonid?


How do archeologists know that old tools they find were made by Homosapiens and not another species of homonid?

In: 52

7 Answers

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Archaeologists find tools with skeletons and conclude that the skeletons were the users and makers. That’s a good bet if they find similar tools with similar sets of skeletons in different places.

When they find tools in isolation, they compare it to other tools and assume it was made by whatever hominid in the area was already known to use that tool.

Since tool use seems to only go back about 2 million years, that imposes some limits on the particular hominid species that could have made them. Often it’s pretty clear simply by the location of the find the era and hominid types present in the time period.

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