how do banks collapse?


How does a modern bank collapse? And is it sudden or is there warning? Seems sudden in the news, but I struggle to understand how a bank can lose billions of dollars suddenly, where does it go?

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27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Liquidity can sometims be a factor, as we saw earlier this week.

A suddenly surge in withdrawal requests can exhaust what a bank has laying around in cash and cash equivalents.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A bank doesn’t just leave all the money people deposited with them sitting in a vault; they try to keep just enough cash on hand to handle the people who want to make a withdrawal on any given day, but they invest the rest into things like loans, bonds, and stocks.

This normally works out, since most people leave the majority of their money in their account, but if a bunch of people suddenly try to withdraw their savings all at once you are suddenly faced with a bank run. Tons of depositors want their money in cash, *now*, but most of the bank’s assets are tied up in an investment which will take days, months or even years to cash out.

In the US at least, the bad experiences of the Great Depression lead to the FDIC, which insures bank accounts so depositors get their money back in a fairly timely fashion while the Federal Government works through the process of turning the failed bank’s assets into cash.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Liquidity can sometims be a factor, as we saw earlier this week.

A suddenly surge in withdrawal requests can exhaust what a bank has laying around in cash and cash equivalents.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Liquidity can sometims be a factor, as we saw earlier this week.

A suddenly surge in withdrawal requests can exhaust what a bank has laying around in cash and cash equivalents.

Anonymous 0 Comments

banks aren’t required to have all the cash invested in them available (that’s what “fractional reserve” means, a fraction), they invest the rest and pay a portion of the returns as interest to their clients. svb lost a bunch of money on its investments after the interest rate hikes and inflation of the last year or two, which caused their stock to drop, and then everybody got scared and went to withdraw their money, more money than the bank actually had.

like a lot of things, the signs that things are going wrong can be there for a long time if you know where to look, but the collapse itself happens suddenly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The most dangerous thing for a bank is creating a situation where everyone tries to take out all of their money all at once. The technical term for this is a ‘bank run’.

Banks rely on a system called fractional reserve banking, meaning that only a certain amount of cash or liquidity is required to be kept on hand by law. The rest of the money is in turn invested or loaned out to patrons, which is the basis for how banks function and make money (loaning money out to people, organizations, and corporations)

Banks loan out money by design, so by definition there isn’t enough liquidity in a bank to pay off everyone’s accounts because that money is in assets or loaned out to people that can’t be pulled back in quickly. Banks rely on long term investment in said bank to remain functional. This requires that banks maintain credibility and stability.

If word gets out that a bank can’t pay or is having financial trouble, it’s customers might panic and all try to take out their money at once. This results in a bank run and the bank goes bankrupt because they can’t pay.

Major banks are insured by the Federal Government to protect people if this happens, but generally only $250,000 is protected per person. This came about as the result of lots of bank runs happening during the Great Depression.

It’s important to note that Crypto currency has no such protections as Crypto currencies fall outside of traditional banking regulations. So if a Crypto bank fails there is no insurance protection for deposits.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The most dangerous thing for a bank is creating a situation where everyone tries to take out all of their money all at once. The technical term for this is a ‘bank run’.

Banks rely on a system called fractional reserve banking, meaning that only a certain amount of cash or liquidity is required to be kept on hand by law. The rest of the money is in turn invested or loaned out to patrons, which is the basis for how banks function and make money (loaning money out to people, organizations, and corporations)

Banks loan out money by design, so by definition there isn’t enough liquidity in a bank to pay off everyone’s accounts because that money is in assets or loaned out to people that can’t be pulled back in quickly. Banks rely on long term investment in said bank to remain functional. This requires that banks maintain credibility and stability.

If word gets out that a bank can’t pay or is having financial trouble, it’s customers might panic and all try to take out their money at once. This results in a bank run and the bank goes bankrupt because they can’t pay.

Major banks are insured by the Federal Government to protect people if this happens, but generally only $250,000 is protected per person. This came about as the result of lots of bank runs happening during the Great Depression.

It’s important to note that Crypto currency has no such protections as Crypto currencies fall outside of traditional banking regulations. So if a Crypto bank fails there is no insurance protection for deposits.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s actually not that complicated. When you give a bank your money, it doesn’t just put it in a vault or digital vault and let it sit there..

The bank tries to make money on your money by investing it, or lending it out. they can actually lend out more money, than people have deposited with them. Strange but allowed under the laws that govern the United States

The bank is required to maintain a certain minimum amount of will say cash on hand in order to ensure that they can meet any reasonably foreseeable need for people to get their money out And they need to have reserves in case their investments lose money, so that they can still pay depositors back, despite some reasonably foreseeable loss . Presumably, if a lot of people wanted their money out, the bank could liquidate their investments, or sell their loans to another institution in order to have the cash necessary to provide to their depositors.

so that’s all well and good unless..

If people sense that somehow the banks investments have gone south, or that the loans will not be repaired, they might start to withdraw their money .

Other people, seeing some people withdraw their money and lose confidence in the bank, follow suit, and all of a sudden you have what is called a run on the bank, where everybody is asking for their money at once .

The bank cannot meet all of these sudden requests at once because they can’t sell the loans or their investments quickly. They run out of cash falling below, the government mandated minimum amount of cash to have on hand, and then the FDIC shut steps in and shuts them down.

This is what happened in the case of Silicon Valley Bank. They reported a small loss well a relatively small loss on certain treasury bonds, and that was enough to spook depositors, who all started to demand their money. Given time the bank would likely have been able to return everyone’s money however, in the short run, they ran out of cash in the federal government had to step in..

Anonymous 0 Comments

A bank doesn’t just leave all the money people deposited with them sitting in a vault; they try to keep just enough cash on hand to handle the people who want to make a withdrawal on any given day, but they invest the rest into things like loans, bonds, and stocks.

This normally works out, since most people leave the majority of their money in their account, but if a bunch of people suddenly try to withdraw their savings all at once you are suddenly faced with a bank run. Tons of depositors want their money in cash, *now*, but most of the bank’s assets are tied up in an investment which will take days, months or even years to cash out.

In the US at least, the bad experiences of the Great Depression lead to the FDIC, which insures bank accounts so depositors get their money back in a fairly timely fashion while the Federal Government works through the process of turning the failed bank’s assets into cash.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A bank doesn’t just leave all the money people deposited with them sitting in a vault; they try to keep just enough cash on hand to handle the people who want to make a withdrawal on any given day, but they invest the rest into things like loans, bonds, and stocks.

This normally works out, since most people leave the majority of their money in their account, but if a bunch of people suddenly try to withdraw their savings all at once you are suddenly faced with a bank run. Tons of depositors want their money in cash, *now*, but most of the bank’s assets are tied up in an investment which will take days, months or even years to cash out.

In the US at least, the bad experiences of the Great Depression lead to the FDIC, which insures bank accounts so depositors get their money back in a fairly timely fashion while the Federal Government works through the process of turning the failed bank’s assets into cash.