How do baseball sized hails stay supported in culumonimbus clouds long enough to form that mass before they fall in hailstorms?


How do baseball sized hails stay supported in culumonimbus clouds long enough to form that mass before they fall in hailstorms?

In: Chemistry

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The hailstones travel up and down inside the thunderhead, gaining mass and size on each leg, cycling up & down several times. They are trapped in the updrafts, and at some point get so heavy that they fall to the ground. The updrafts in those storms are very powerful, and provide a lot of lift.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The strength of wind within a super cell thunderstorm shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s the same wind that can generate a tornado, which moves objects much bigger than large balls of ice. The answer is, yes, the wind is just that strong.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, they don’t, that is why they fall.
Updrafts can regularly be 120km/h in a strong sgoem which can lift a 10cm hailstone, and it’s not just a ciuple hundred of feet, but several thousand metres until it’s too heavy for the updraft.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Would a plane flying through an updraft like this, fly into these large hail stone?