How do beekeepers know which type of honey bees will make?


You can often find for example “Chestnut honey”, or “Sage honey”, or “Meadowflower honey”. How do they know? OK, I get that if there’s no chestnut within 50km you won’t get it, but how do they know which type of plant the bees made honey from?

In: 11

2 Answers

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Bees will rarely travel far from their hive. They can travel up to about 1km but if there’s plenty of food close by their preference is always going to be to stay as close to the hive as poissble

So Beekeepers will place their hives in areas that have a high concentration of whatever flavour they are aiming for knowing that the bees will primarily source nectar from these plants

Not every plant will be the flavour they are seeking but if it’s a high enough percentage than the honey will predominately have that flavour.

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