How do big piles of loose bullets in ammo canisters keep from going off?


I’ve been getting a lot of firearms videos on my YouTube and such and I was wondering how those big ammo boxes full of loose bullets are safe, and how do they keep from being poked on just the right spot with the weight of the pile making a loose bullet fire?

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5 Answers

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To add on to the comments below, there’s only one instance that I know of where a bullet tip can set off another round.

If you look at rounds designed to be fired from lever action guns, you will notice that they all have flat or round nosed bullets. This is because in a lever action gun, the magazine is a cylinder underneath the barrel. The rounds get stacked on top of each other, nose to primer. If the gun’s recoil is sufficiently powerful, or you drop the gun from high enough onto the buttstock, the nose of a pointy bullet could pierce the primer of the round in front of it, and so on and so forth, causing a chain reaction of rounds going off inside your magazine tube.

But even then, the round won’t fire the way you might think it would. A round spits out a bullet forwards because the entire round is sitting inside the gun’s chamber. Think of it as sitting inside a torpedo tube. When the gunpowder ignites, the chamber contains the pressure. Assuming the gun is in good working order, the only direction the pressure can physically go is forwards, and that is what drives the bullet down the barrel. If you take a blowtorch to a round sitting out in the open, it’ll actually just kind of “pop” like a firecracker as the side of the casing ruptures and releases pressure.

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