How do black holes “consume” light?


How do black holes “consume” light?

In: 378

36 Answers

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Like you’re 5: light is actually made up of teeny-tiny particles called photons; photons, even though they’re ittty-bitty, still have mass (assuming you know what mass is); black holes are super duper strong balls of gravity that attract other things with mass to them (like grabbing ahold of them); in fact they’re so strong that, if a thing with mass -like a photon- gets close enough to them, the black hole won’t let go of the photon; the photons then have to live with the black hole and don’t get to go home or visit their families (not even on birthdays or Thanksgiving). So, since the photons that go too close to the black hole get grabbed by the black hole and don’t get to leave, they never get to come visit your eyeballs for you to see them.

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