How do blackouts start occurring with less drinking (particularly in alcoholics)?


Inspired by another post about alcohol:
I am a recovering alcoholic and just curious how blackouts seem to happen progressively faster? I’ve heard this is common in people who abuse alcohol.

In: 1414

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

It has to do with the body’s response to being over saturated with a poison it can’t process. Alcohol abuse over decades really messes with each organ system, I.e. alcohol related neuropathy, wet brain, etc. This Naked Mind by Annie Grace does a deep dive on this.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Brain gets damaged and there’s less cognitive reserve.

Liver gets damaged and has less capacity to metabolize and clear out the alcohol.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Reverse tolerance. Essentially, your liver becomes so damaged from heavy drinking that it no longer produces the enzymes required to metabolize the alcohol.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blackouts are a result of consuming alcohol quickly, not due to drinking a large amount of alcohol

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also, alcohol acts as a preventative of epileptic seizures, so just as quickly withdrawing anti epileptic drugs can cause seizures, withdrawal of alcohol can also cause seizures. Repeated attempts to quit alcohol increases the likelihood of having seizures becoming permanent. Worse still the area of the brain that is affected is very hard and sometimes impossible to treat with anti epileptic drugs.
Sudden withdrawal of alcohol is extremely dangerous.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your brain gets used to it. “Oh we are starting to drink? I know where this is going.” and turns off the switch before you get to intense drinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The liver is saturated or booty prescribing as well. More ethylene gets into your blood. Brains get affected and do not write into longer term memory.
Next day you can’t remember because data were not stored.