How do body builders like Arnold Schwarzenegger isolate & grow each muscle on their body?


How do body builders like Arnold Schwarzenegger isolate & grow each muscle on their body?

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7 Answers

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Building muscle is a very simple concept. Our bodies are adapted to making just enough muscle to fulfill our needs because muscle is calorically expensive to maintain. An animal with a lot of muscle will need to eat a lot of food, and starvation is a major danger for animals in the wild. Our bodies are constantly searching for the sweet spot of “just enough” muscle and it figures this out by how we use them.

If we want to increase our muscle mass we need to use the muscles, working them hard enough that it indicates our bodies need to grow more. Strain them as close to their limit as possible and the body will react by growing more muscle and increasing their size. “Isolating” muscles depends on performing exercises that mainly use that muscle; lifting a weight by curling your arm for example is going to work your biceps and not the muscles in your legs, so if all you do is curls your legs aren’t going to bulk up.

Finally the reality is that body builders like Arnold take things like steroids and human growth hormone to induce their body into growing muscle beyond even what simple lifting can achieve. Those kinds of supplements are much more complicated, dangerous, and even illegal.

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