How do bodybuilders and others not get salmonella if they eat raw eggs?


How do bodybuilders and others not get salmonella if they eat raw eggs?

In: 8

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t get more or less salmonella than other people really

Raw egg does not automatically mean it has salmonella really.

For instance if you buy eggs in europe vs america the rate of eggs with salmonella is a lot lower because europe regulates its health regulation standards a lot differently than america… but sometimes salmonella still happens which is why cooking stuff is still good general advice.

It is just if you happen to know someone who got salmonella once they will be telling you because its not fun. Doesn’t mean everyone automatically gets it from raw stuff always though.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t get more or less salmonella than other people really

Raw egg does not automatically mean it has salmonella really.

For instance if you buy eggs in europe vs america the rate of eggs with salmonella is a lot lower because europe regulates its health regulation standards a lot differently than america… but sometimes salmonella still happens which is why cooking stuff is still good general advice.

It is just if you happen to know someone who got salmonella once they will be telling you because its not fun. Doesn’t mean everyone automatically gets it from raw stuff always though.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t get more or less salmonella than other people really

Raw egg does not automatically mean it has salmonella really.

For instance if you buy eggs in europe vs america the rate of eggs with salmonella is a lot lower because europe regulates its health regulation standards a lot differently than america… but sometimes salmonella still happens which is why cooking stuff is still good general advice.

It is just if you happen to know someone who got salmonella once they will be telling you because its not fun. Doesn’t mean everyone automatically gets it from raw stuff always though.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How do you shake someone’s hand without getting a cold? Raw eggs don’t automatically have salmonella, it’s a bacteria that they can be contaminated with. Also most bodybuilders don’t really do that. Rocky does it because he’s supposed to be so poor in the first movie that he can’t afford the gas to cook his eggs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How do you shake someone’s hand without getting a cold? Raw eggs don’t automatically have salmonella, it’s a bacteria that they can be contaminated with. Also most bodybuilders don’t really do that. Rocky does it because he’s supposed to be so poor in the first movie that he can’t afford the gas to cook his eggs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How do you shake someone’s hand without getting a cold? Raw eggs don’t automatically have salmonella, it’s a bacteria that they can be contaminated with. Also most bodybuilders don’t really do that. Rocky does it because he’s supposed to be so poor in the first movie that he can’t afford the gas to cook his eggs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Getting salmonella from eggs is actually pretty rare in the US. From Google:

> The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1 in every 20,000 eggs are contaminated with Salmonella.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the UK all eggs that have this little lion symbol on come from chickens that are all vaccinated against salmonella and have strict rules regarding the whole supply chain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the UK all eggs that have this little lion symbol on come from chickens that are all vaccinated against salmonella and have strict rules regarding the whole supply chain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Getting salmonella from eggs is actually pretty rare in the US. From Google:

> The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1 in every 20,000 eggs are contaminated with Salmonella.