How do bodybuilders and others not get salmonella if they eat raw eggs?


How do bodybuilders and others not get salmonella if they eat raw eggs?

In: 8

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the UK all eggs that have this little lion symbol on come from chickens that are all vaccinated against salmonella and have strict rules regarding the whole supply chain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Getting salmonella from eggs is actually pretty rare in the US. From Google:

> The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1 in every 20,000 eggs are contaminated with Salmonella.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why should you get salmonella from raw eggs when handled correctly? Have you never eaten mayonnaise? Or any dessert like mousse? Or a cocktail with foam?
Raw eggs are in a ton of dishes. It all comes down to good hygiene, like not letting the raw egg touch the outer part of the shell. And of course take fresh eggs. There is no reason you shouldnt be able to eat raw eggs

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why should you get salmonella from raw eggs when handled correctly? Have you never eaten mayonnaise? Or any dessert like mousse? Or a cocktail with foam?
Raw eggs are in a ton of dishes. It all comes down to good hygiene, like not letting the raw egg touch the outer part of the shell. And of course take fresh eggs. There is no reason you shouldnt be able to eat raw eggs

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why should you get salmonella from raw eggs when handled correctly? Have you never eaten mayonnaise? Or any dessert like mousse? Or a cocktail with foam?
Raw eggs are in a ton of dishes. It all comes down to good hygiene, like not letting the raw egg touch the outer part of the shell. And of course take fresh eggs. There is no reason you shouldnt be able to eat raw eggs

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t eat raw eggs, at least not if they’re serious. Eating raw eggs is something from movies, not reality. Raw egg protein is poorly digested meaning you wouldn’t absorb much protein from raw eggs. Cooked egg protein digests much better.

But all that aside, most athletes including bodybuilders are eating lots and lots of chicken and whey protein.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t eat raw eggs, at least not if they’re serious. Eating raw eggs is something from movies, not reality. Raw egg protein is poorly digested meaning you wouldn’t absorb much protein from raw eggs. Cooked egg protein digests much better.

But all that aside, most athletes including bodybuilders are eating lots and lots of chicken and whey protein.

Anonymous 0 Comments

almost everything in life comes down to chance. someone in a west african country can eat street food and swim in dirty water and be okay. if a tourist tried that, theyd most likely get food poisoning or some other bacterial infection.

Anonymous 0 Comments

almost everything in life comes down to chance. someone in a west african country can eat street food and swim in dirty water and be okay. if a tourist tried that, theyd most likely get food poisoning or some other bacterial infection.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t eat raw eggs, at least not if they’re serious. Eating raw eggs is something from movies, not reality. Raw egg protein is poorly digested meaning you wouldn’t absorb much protein from raw eggs. Cooked egg protein digests much better.

But all that aside, most athletes including bodybuilders are eating lots and lots of chicken and whey protein.