How do bodybuilders and others not get salmonella if they eat raw eggs?


How do bodybuilders and others not get salmonella if they eat raw eggs?

In: 8

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Raw vs cooked eggs.

The bioavailability in a raw egg is less than a cooked egg

In short: our bodies aren’t designed to absorb nutrients in a raw egg very well and will absorb more nutrition when cooked.

Anonymous 0 Comments

almost everything in life comes down to chance. someone in a west african country can eat street food and swim in dirty water and be okay. if a tourist tried that, theyd most likely get food poisoning or some other bacterial infection.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Raw vs cooked eggs.

The bioavailability in a raw egg is less than a cooked egg

In short: our bodies aren’t designed to absorb nutrients in a raw egg very well and will absorb more nutrition when cooked.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Raw vs cooked eggs.

The bioavailability in a raw egg is less than a cooked egg

In short: our bodies aren’t designed to absorb nutrients in a raw egg very well and will absorb more nutrition when cooked.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The chances of getting salmonella from raw eggs is very low, but it still isn’t recommended.

Body builders also generally don’t eat raw eggs

This myth that it’s good for protein comes from Rocky 1. Stallone did that on screen because he used to eat raw eggs as a kid because they couldn’t afford the gas to cook them…

Anonymous 0 Comments

The chances of getting salmonella from raw eggs is very low, but it still isn’t recommended.

Body builders also generally don’t eat raw eggs

This myth that it’s good for protein comes from Rocky 1. Stallone did that on screen because he used to eat raw eggs as a kid because they couldn’t afford the gas to cook them…

Anonymous 0 Comments

The chances of getting salmonella from raw eggs is very low, but it still isn’t recommended.

Body builders also generally don’t eat raw eggs

This myth that it’s good for protein comes from Rocky 1. Stallone did that on screen because he used to eat raw eggs as a kid because they couldn’t afford the gas to cook them…

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can buy eggs that are pasteurized, like Eggland’s Best. Also, liquid eggs are pasteurized.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can buy eggs that are pasteurized, like Eggland’s Best. Also, liquid eggs are pasteurized.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can buy eggs that are pasteurized, like Eggland’s Best. Also, liquid eggs are pasteurized.