How do bodybuilders and others not get salmonella if they eat raw eggs?


How do bodybuilders and others not get salmonella if they eat raw eggs?

In: 8

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s been mentioned here about the “mytical bacteria” in raw eggs, but noone seems to specify it.

It’s the eggshell that might have some comtamination/chicken poop or whatnot, therefore transmitting some bactaria.
Nowadays commercially sold eggs are pretty clean and salmonella free.

I ingest raw eggs on a daily basis for my fitness goals/protein content because i hate eating cooked eggs in any form. The benefits from having eggs in your diet are undisputed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The salmonella is on the shell, not in the egg. Rinse the egg first, then eat it raw. Yum /s

Anonymous 0 Comments

The salmonella is on the shell, not in the egg. Rinse the egg first, then eat it raw. Yum /s

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s been mentioned here about the “mytical bacteria” in raw eggs, but noone seems to specify it.

It’s the eggshell that might have some comtamination/chicken poop or whatnot, therefore transmitting some bactaria.
Nowadays commercially sold eggs are pretty clean and salmonella free.

I ingest raw eggs on a daily basis for my fitness goals/protein content because i hate eating cooked eggs in any form. The benefits from having eggs in your diet are undisputed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Eggs don’t really pose a high risk of salmonella anymore, just as pork doesn’t pose a high risk of trichinosis. We have better monitoring and control of these diseases than we used to when those “rules” became part of our culture.

People get sick more often from tainted greens.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Eggs don’t really pose a high risk of salmonella anymore, just as pork doesn’t pose a high risk of trichinosis. We have better monitoring and control of these diseases than we used to when those “rules” became part of our culture.

People get sick more often from tainted greens.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bodybuilders don’t eat raw eggs. Rocky did in a movie made 45 years ago, but that isn’t a thing anymore.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bodybuilders don’t eat raw eggs. Rocky did in a movie made 45 years ago, but that isn’t a thing anymore.