How do burns cause near-instant death?


Apologies for the grim and gross question, but I’m curious!

I was cooking some pasta earlier when I turned off the heat and drained the water off in the sink. As I turn back, I see a bug crawling on the cupboard above the range for a moment and then fall all the way onto the stovetop. It wriggled helplessly on its back for a few moments and then went completely still, seemingly dead within five seconds.

I know that living things can be consumed by fire and burn to a crisp, and I also know that serious burns can have long-term dangers due to things like nerves/muscles being damaged and a weakening of the immune system. But when actual fire isn’t involved and death still happens quickly, what’s happening to the body that can cause a quick death due to a burn?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have had some terrible burns and scars from them. Basically, your body is going to act on your behalf (it’s extremely smart) It will begin shutting down processes that are not deemed vital at that particular time in that particular moment in order to keep you from experiencing the intense pain of a possible extreme burn. Since your skin is your largest organ and your first protection it will receive the highest amount of damage – this is extremely painful and again your body will act on your behalf and shut you down so in order to protect the most vital of functions, your brain. Slowly, however, depending on the person and pain threshold they currently know, the body will not allow you to experience more than the brain can handle and will begin lowering BP, Heart Rate etc to keep you sedated which will eventually lead to death –

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