The dealer doesn’t track that, the Pit Boss does.
Things to look out for are bets changing greatly between hands. Often times what they’ll do first is ask you to stop changing bet size raise the table minimum, or change the shoe early. (The shoe is multiple decks of cards the dealer pulls from)
Counting cards is not illegal, so if that doesn’t work, they can ask you to leave, but if you don’t, you will be considered a trespasser, which is a crime.
If you are counting cards by yourself its hard to do and easy to spot, they don’t allow to you wildly change your bets on Blackjack. If you were sitting betting $5 all game then upped your bet to $100 then its fairly obvious.
It should be done in a team the “counter” stays betting $5 and when the cards are in your favour you signal your partner and they sit down and bet big. Its harder to spot but the casino still spot it.
There are sings the casino can watch out for. If they see someone start off betting the table minimum bet and then suddenly switch to betting the table maximum they are probably counting cards. They bet low while they are counting, and then switch once they’ve got an advantage.
Generally a smart card counter will limit their winnings in the hopes the house will keep letting them play. If they don’t, then the house just bans them from those types of tables.
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