How do ceiling fans collect dust when they’re constantly in motion?


How do ceiling fans collect dust when they’re constantly in motion?

In: 9292

14 Answers

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The air is always full of dust. Air is pretty much always moving and picking up stuff like pollen, tiny bits of clothing, you naturally shedding your skin while you move about, things from your carpet, things that get caught in the air from it blowing around outside, even turning the page in a book creates dust. Movement can be said to cause dust. Unless you live in a clean chamber – the sort where they make computer chips – you will get dust.

If the fan is still, it collects dust pretty much the same way as any other surface will. Air moves around and moves dust with it and the dust settles on the fan blades.

If the fan is moving, the leading edge is moving fast through the air and will catch dust, that makes the surface bumpy and with bits that other bits of dust catch on to easily. That is why the leading edge gets dustier than the back.

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