How do celebrities go to AA meetings and not have their stories known publicly after?

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As I understand artists like Eminem and many others, who have been part of AA, they go to the meetings, and talk their story. Share their experiences and etc.

I understand many of them are already public but still I am sure they share some sensitive stories there.

Of course in AA everyone is a friendly family community, but how is it possible that people don’t gossip about stuff after? Especially having a celebrity on their meeting?

In: Other

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I live in a area with a lot of celebrities and have attended meetings where I’ve seen some of the most famous people in the world (no exaggeration)

There’s an AA emphasis on protection of anonymity but some people talk anyway, but it’s usually with other AA members and not outsiders.

Then there are AA like meetings held at rehabs for only rehab alums, and there are rehabs that cater to the rich and famous so it’s kind of a closed circle

There’s not the stigma on recovery that there used to be. If a celebrity goes into rehab chances are we’ll all know about it before the day is out, and there’s usually some background stories about their drunker or drug fueled antics preceding AA

Finally, there’s stories you tell in meetings but the really private or sensitive stuff is usually shared with only your sponsor

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