How do celebrities handle hotels and transportation in secrecy?

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I’ve always wondered this. Whenever I see a touring band, comedian, etc., I’ve always wondered how they are ushered from the venue when the streets are bustling with traffic because everyone else is leaving, and how they’re able to keep their stay location(s) a secret from the general public. Do they have food delivered? Do they stay holed up the entire time?

Thank you in advance for a breakdown of how this works!

Edit: I can’t respond to each reply but just wanted to thank you all for the responses!

In: Other

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the celebrity and hotel. Hotels who get them often know how to be discreet. They probably don’t come in the front door at busy times.

Unless they are very publicly going somewhere or are like Taylor Swift you’d be surprised how often a celebrity can just walk down the street and not be noticed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My sister does fine dining at a well known fancy hotel. Managers are told ahead of time and usually the famous person’s manager or assistant provides a list of needs to be met by the establishment. Sometimes this includes things like having a private valet at the back door to help escort or that the famous person will use a fake alias to not garner so much attention. All hotels are different but a good assistant knows the ones to avoid. Some people like the attention and just eat it right up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are levels to it. I once stayed at a hotel in Chicago where a very good at the time rookie was staying and he just sort of walked up in and out but was not really trying to hide. At baseball stadiums the players have a gated parking lot that they park thier cars in and a security guard let’s them out and clears the way.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was at the same hotel as Simone Biles this weekend. She just came and went in her own car like everyone else

Anonymous 0 Comments

The tour manager usually books the rooms under his name. Source: I ran hotels for 15 years.

also, most hotel chains have a division that deals specifically with these types of clients.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Only stay in hotels that regular people cannot afford. Tons of security. Cars at the ready to dip. Hats and sunglasses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of arenas and hotels have a garage entrance in the back or somewhere else inconspicuous. A funny story….I worked valet at a casino and Micheal Jordon was there. I saw him slip out of a random door and into the back of a limo waiting at the curb. While he was sitting there, two young guys walked right by, not realizing that Jordan was like 4 feet away from them. I saw a lot of celebrities getting out of there busses and walking in. They just try to be discreet with what they are wearing and no one even notices. Except when Shaq came in. You couldn’t miss him. We weren’t allowed to hound them for autographs. So , of course we never did.🤫

Anonymous 0 Comments

depending on how big they are. i have some limited experience in this field in that i am part of IT and we were given a warning.

apparently its just like most people. they are useally out and about during the day and only go back to the hotel to change or sleep or shower. they dont hole up there any more then we would on holiday.

the main difference I would say is that keys and hotel rooms are done before they arrive. they dont stand around to check in and get key. its all done for them and they go from car into hotel room very quickly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was a hotel manager… someone in their group would come to the front desk or call us, and we would meet them at the back service entrance and go up the service elevator to the suites. We had some top level celebrities stay with us and no one ever knew they were there, including most of the hotel staff.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of downtown buildings have secret entrances, including underground parking that isn’t always obvious or accessible to the general public.