How do chickens have the spare resources to lay a nutrient rich egg EVERY DAY?


It just seems like the math doesn’t add up. Like I eat a healthy diet and I get tired just pooping out the bad stuff, meanwhile a chicken can eat non stop corn and have enough “good” stuff left over to create and throw away an egg the size of their head, every day.

In: 11289

13 Answers

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The ancestors of chickens came from southeast Asia where bamboo is plentiful. Bamboo coasts along for several decades or even over a century minding its own business, Then all of it in an area blooms. This can happen in a single year or over multiple years.

When the bamboo is blooming, the seeds are incredibly abundant. The proto-chickens were adapted to take advantage of this large food supply by pumping out lots of eggs when there is a lot to eat.

Domestic chickens carry this further.

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