How do chickens have the spare resources to lay a nutrient rich egg EVERY DAY?


It just seems like the math doesn’t add up. Like I eat a healthy diet and I get tired just pooping out the bad stuff, meanwhile a chicken can eat non stop corn and have enough “good” stuff left over to create and throw away an egg the size of their head, every day.

In: 11289

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’ve got a big ol’ brain that takes a lot of energy just keeping running even if you just sit on the couch all day.

Meanwhile, while chickens aren’t particularly dumb, they’re not expending anywhere close to the same amount of energy just keeping the lights on.

Plus you know, an egg is only 78 calories. For a 1.5kg hen, it’s around 175 calories just for body maintenance and another 100 for egg production. You can consume 275 calories in a big bite and 4+ times that in a single meal.

Edit: As I’ve gotten a few comments suggesting chickens are dumb, here’s an article and a study addressing that.

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