How do chickens lay so many eggs?


I’ve heard chickens can lay eggs every 1-2 days. It baffles me that something so (relatively) big can come out of them so often. How do they produce so many with such limited internal space? How many are developing in them at any given time?

In: 2833

42 Answers

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If you’ve ever slaughtered a laying hen, you will see a production line of yolks coming out of their ovaries, getting progressively larger and larger as it gets closer toward the cloaca. So a chicken that lays an egg on one day will have a yolk that’s almost fully formed ready to get wrapped up with albumen and a shell the next day or two. Chickens need to eat pretty constantly all day to keep up with the resources it needs to do this. It really is a marvel, but we’ve bred them to do exactly this.

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