How do chickens lay so many eggs?


I’ve heard chickens can lay eggs every 1-2 days. It baffles me that something so (relatively) big can come out of them so often. How do they produce so many with such limited internal space? How many are developing in them at any given time?

In: 2833

42 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I read a really interesting book a few years ago about the domestication of chickens, how they have physically changed over time because of selective breeding, the role of antibiotics in farming, and the potential dangers of over use of antibiotic and resistance to them. A bit dry and depressing at times, but really well researched and thorough.

Big Chicken: The Incredible Story of How Antibiotics Created Modern Agriculture and Changed the Way the World Eats

by Maryn McKenna

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are force fed nutrients and have been bred for just this one thing. It’s not even close to natural. There’s a reason that their lifespan is only a few years instead of well over a decade that it could be. Imagine if you (if female) or any woman were to be forced to breed and pop out a kid every 9 months. It’s going to take a massive toll on the body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are force fed nutrients and have been bred for just this one thing. It’s not even close to natural. There’s a reason that their lifespan is only a few years instead of well over a decade that it could be. Imagine if you (if female) or any woman were to be forced to breed and pop out a kid every 9 months. It’s going to take a massive toll on the body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are force fed nutrients and have been bred for just this one thing. It’s not even close to natural. There’s a reason that their lifespan is only a few years instead of well over a decade that it could be. Imagine if you (if female) or any woman were to be forced to breed and pop out a kid every 9 months. It’s going to take a massive toll on the body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A long time ago in South East Asia there was a fowl that lived in the jungle. Every few years there would be a big rainfall and the jungle would get very lush and food was plentiful. These birds evolved to lay lots of eggs during this time so they would multiply a lot. After the food was gone, the population would decline again. The humans in the area realized that they could make the birds lay a lot of eggs simply by feeding them a lot of food. This happened thousands of years ago and those jungle fowl were domesticated into modern chickens.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Holy crap. I’ve thought about a lot of crazy shit but somehow I missed thinking about this, and now I’m going to think about that assembly line of eggs backed up inside hens for awhile. Thank you?

Anonymous 0 Comments

A long time ago in South East Asia there was a fowl that lived in the jungle. Every few years there would be a big rainfall and the jungle would get very lush and food was plentiful. These birds evolved to lay lots of eggs during this time so they would multiply a lot. After the food was gone, the population would decline again. The humans in the area realized that they could make the birds lay a lot of eggs simply by feeding them a lot of food. This happened thousands of years ago and those jungle fowl were domesticated into modern chickens.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Holy crap. I’ve thought about a lot of crazy shit but somehow I missed thinking about this, and now I’m going to think about that assembly line of eggs backed up inside hens for awhile. Thank you?

Anonymous 0 Comments

A long time ago in South East Asia there was a fowl that lived in the jungle. Every few years there would be a big rainfall and the jungle would get very lush and food was plentiful. These birds evolved to lay lots of eggs during this time so they would multiply a lot. After the food was gone, the population would decline again. The humans in the area realized that they could make the birds lay a lot of eggs simply by feeding them a lot of food. This happened thousands of years ago and those jungle fowl were domesticated into modern chickens.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Holy crap. I’ve thought about a lot of crazy shit but somehow I missed thinking about this, and now I’m going to think about that assembly line of eggs backed up inside hens for awhile. Thank you?